Saturday, March 10, 2007

Everyone has their Specialty!

Below is the link to an article on intelligence. There are 7 areas of intellect, although I do believe there's an 8th and that is spirituality. Some are gifted in that respect, such as prophets and oracles. Children who test strongly in 3 areas are considered "gifted". It is unfair for someone gifted in one area to think they are better than someone gifted in another, etc. When we work together using individual strengths, we compliment each other and can get things done. What is/are your strongest area(s)? Mine strongest points are words & music. Check it out:>1=9145&wa=wsignin1.0


Fallen Angel said...

Just had to check in on one of the only nice christians I know. Hope your day is going on. I feel like you are my sister more than "the christian" I like.

I went here today:

You are just so refreshing sometimes. Thank you.

Sending good energy your way.

Fallen Angel said...

I meant hope your day is going "good".

I have no idea about that type, lol.

Peace and Namaste

Julie said...


Hope your well, just dropped by to say hi.

Love Julie x

Fallen Angel said...

Just wanted to stop by to say Happy St. Patrick's day from one proud Irish to the other.

Hope the move is going well and your new place is great.

Happy St. Patrick's Day !!!!

Trailady said...

Hi Angel! Thanks for stopping by. I had a good St. Patricks- thanks!!

Hey Jules! I am doing okay. Thanks for checking in. :o)