Friday, December 22, 2006

It's That Time of Year Again!

Guess I'm getting older, but the hustle and bustle I used to find so exciting totally exhausts me! As a child, I was blissfully ignorant of the behind-the-scenes work that went into making a Merry Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy people and being in public, but shopping the Mall until your feet hurt and standing in line for 45 minutes at Walmart is ridiculous! Traffic in our little city is crazy right now! I love celebrations, just not all the busy-ness that goes along with them. I think it should be a time just to chill out and breathe a little.
I find there are two approaches to the current season. On the far right of the religious scene, we have militant Christians protesting "Put the Christ back in Christmas", while on the far left we have people screaming that Christmas is a "Pagan" holiday- an abomination. Enough already. Why can't we just let people be and observe as they see or don't see fit? Why the militant attitudes about a holiday meant to be filled with joy & peace? Yes, I've studied with Jehovah's Witnesses (was one for 2 yrs) We didn't observe Christmas, birthdays or say the pledge of allegiance- thought God was asking this of us. We led a bland existence and felt quite the self-righteous martyrdom for our abstainance.
Honestly, I really don't give a rip what the "supposed origins" of Christmas are- I've heard every argument under the sun for and against the celebration of Christmas. Well, I didn't live in the time when it all got started. All I know is what it means to us today. Christmas is a time to connect with friends & family- a very deeply spiritual time for me, but not everyone feels that way and God gives them that right. Having the heart of Christ in us means being able to look anyone in the eye and wish them a "Happy Holiday" and truly mean it- regardless. In the name of peace and goodwill, my family and I will be singing 3 songs for a Christmas program being held by the very church that caused a LOT of our problems last year. They invited us and we are singing for them. Not going to rejoin them, but we want them to know we forgive them for what they did and wish them a Merry Christmas. Not easy after all the hurt, but in my heart I know it's the right thing to do.

Those who bash Christmas as being pagan- in the name of being Biblical, had better go all the way with their reasoning:
Where in the Bible, does it command wedding ceremonies & honeymoons?
Where does it say we should have Thanksgiving Day?
Where in the Bible does it command that we register to vote or have a Driver's Licenses?
Where does it say you have to wear a dress or a 3 piece suit to worship the Lord?
Where in the Bible does it endorse the Pipe Organ as the official church instrument?
Where does it say we should have a middle name?
Where in the Bible does it say to observe birthdays or wedding anniversaries?
It doesn't. So are all these things "Pagan"? Or because Christians start some of these traditions, does it mean God is offended?? I think not. I've written along these lines before... All I know is that my Bible says God is love and I do not see Him in the angry faces of debators & protestors.

There are people out there whom I refer to as 'religious scientists'. (not to be confused with Scientologists) They are constantly out on the fringe of paranoia studying every religious conspiracy theory-not in depth, or with well-rounded perspectives, but just enough to consider it a cause legitimate enough to go around lecturing any poor soul who crosses their paths. They consider themselves "in the know" about virtually every topic politically, historically and Biblically and love to set everyone else straight. I was once very outspoken for several religious "causes". Once you catch a true glimpse of Who God Is, everything else just fades in comparison. I have no higher cause than seeking God, learning what it really means to live and love. Any theory or mindset that makes me think of myself as better, smarter or holier than someone else needs to be closely examined...


Anonymous said...

I heard someone bemoaning the use of Xmas as a nickname for Christmas. I mentioned that I didn't mind because early Christians used IXOYE to remind them of Jesus CHRIST (the "X") Son of God, Savior. Also the Chi Rho symbol uses an X yet is considered a Christian symbol as it uses the first two letters of "Christ" in Greek.

Lily said...

I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas. Thanks for putting up with my blog nonsense, and I'm glad to get to know you.

Have a great celebration with your family. I look forward to hearing about the unique opportunities this season of transition will bring you in the new year.

Take care.

SocietyVs said...

I personally like Christmas, I am not too big on the traditions of the event or where it came from - like you - I care about what it means now - a time with family, giving, and the all around spirit of the times - which seem to culminate in kindness. I like Christmas - all around good fun and it lines up with biblical themes - like love.

Trailady said...

Inheritor, Yes, I've heard of the 'X-mas' debate. Sometimes it's almost like people have to have something to harp on instead of just enjoying life.

Lily, Thanks and likewise. I've enjoyed getting to know you. :o)

Society, Good for you! Yeah, love is a biggie. ;o)

sage said...

Good thoughts, have a Merry Christmas!

Trailady said...

Thanks Brian & Sage, You guys have a great one too!!!! :o) I'll look forward to reading about your holidays.

BrotherKen said...

Hmm, I didn't see this until just now. I take it you are referring to my blog posting about Christmas. If so, I am sorry that what I believe upsets you. I do not put myself above others and I do not try to tell others what to think. I am simply saying it as I see it, take it to heart or don't.

BrotherKen said...

I would just like to add that, in case you were responding to me, I have forgiven you. While identifying my main concerns about today's church I had not yet gotten to the main focus of my blog. I have now posted that and I do hope you read it.

Trailady said...

Hello Brotherken,

I just now happened to see I had more comments on this post or I would have replied sooner. No, I was not responding to your post. I wrote this one after reading several church signs about the blessing or evils of Christmas. The debate seems to rage every year and after seeing a guy passing out flyers and shouting awful things at people who were entering a church for a Christmas program I was really struck by the hatred and anger he exuded. He was such a disruptor of the peace that the police were actually called to make him leave.
If you see things differently, that is okay. I do not feel threatened and have many dear friends with whom I differ in certain areas. I don't believe we must all feel the same about every issue in order to be united in Christ. Be at peace...

BrotherKen said...

ahh, i can sleep now :-) i do have some radical views so i thought since your post was a couple days after mine that... oh well.

you did make me think hard about how i come across in my writing though. you have a real gift in expressing the love and respect you have for others.

i pray that your current trials bring you closer to god.

Trailady said...

No Worries, Ken! :o)

I read your Christmas post today and left a comment for you, based on my experience- for what it's worth...