Monday, November 13, 2006

Goings On In My World...

I haven't given an update recently, so here's the latest:

Had another fun singing trip last weekend. There won't be another MofM trip for a while. We had a nice time! I love to do public speaking. Instead of introducing songs, I have been moved to closing out our concerts with a short talk. This is very rewarding for me as I love to share about the love of God for sinners and what Jesus has done for us.
More and more, I am meeting former legalists who want to share their stories with me. Met a man this weekend who, just a few years ago felt the need to bring up the wedding ring issue to me after an MofM concert. (I listened politely as he had shared his views with me, but inside I had that nauseaus "get me out of here" feeling.) Well, he showed up to our concert this past weekend and was eager to tell me he has found grace. He no longer feels the need to go around correcting people and setting their theology straight. I was very touched that he would humble himself in this way and share the changes in his life with me. I am finding more and more that when I am vulnerable and honest about my journey, if I do not hold myself up as the example to follow, then other people feel safe to open up and share their stories with me. I love to listen. Everyone has a story worth hearing!!
The Carrollton, GA church MofM visited last weekend is a case in point for the power of love. They will be the first to admit that 3 yrs ago, they were nasty, fighting, back-biting, nit-picking people. Their new Pastor- a good friend of ours came in preaching love, grace, forgiveness and tolerance. No prophecy, heavy-duty theological or argumentative sermons. (The hard-line, more controlling factions soon decided this message was just too watered down and "touchy-feely" for them, so they left and started their own church- which lasted about a year before the angry divisions among them became so deep they splintered- very sad.) But it's amazing to see and hear of the changes that have come over Carollton! They are warm, welcoming and accepting now. Many of them sat with tears in their eyes during our concert. Gone are the dead, judgemental, expressionless people that used to be there. Hearts of stone are becoming hearts of flesh and it's beautiful to behold! The Pastor and his members just kept going on and on about how wonderful the transformation has been. They have ALL kinds and all ages of people coming to their little church now. Teen mothers, Divorcees, widows, boys with piercings, former drunks, former legalists, etc. It's a place where lonely, hurting people can go to worship, find love and healing. Praise God! There is NO SUCH THING as "cheap grace"! Grace cost God the ultimate price. The love and mercy of God will be our study and celebration for eternity.

We've had 5 showings of our house. So far, no offers. We have a renter in our cottage again. This time a middle-aged, single lady. She's not an active Christian. I have NO idea how long she will stay as she says this may only be a temporary arrangement, but I think she needs love and accceptance- that's something we can give. The rent money- though meager- lifts a little of our financial burden.

The kids are all in growth spurts and WOW do they eat! Can hardly keep them fed. They are loving school. My man is very restless & distracted. I am also quite unsettled inside. We are saying, "God, here we are. Our house is up for sale, our lives are totally on the drawing board again, where do YOU want us- what do You want us to do? Give us a shove in that direction..." There is nothing more we can do, but wait. Something needs to change though- and soon! Life cannot be lived in limbo very long before insanity sets in. ;o)

The puppies are doing well. Housebreaking is coming along. They are the sweetest little things. Ember just loves to be with me. It is such a simple comfort to have an adoring pet curled in my lap. I hope perhaps someday, she will earn her Canine Good Citizen so I can take her to children's wards and nursing homes to bring joy to others as a therapy dog. The hypo-allergenic qualities of the Poodle make them ideal for this type of work. We'll see...

You wouldn't believe how many complainers call us at the YMCA. They have a problem, go on about it for 10 mins, then expect our customer service to have it resolved in ten seconds or less. I'm a sympathetic person, but there are limits to how many times you can calmly explain to someone why they owe a bounced check fee before it starts wearing on your nerves. You can tell when people are legit and want resolution and when they just want to gripe at us. This week I saw a T-shirt that cracked me up. It said, "OK, so put on your big girl panties and deal with it"! HA HA, sometimes my co-workers and I feel like saying something to that effect, but we keep smiling and trying to work things out. It's funny to imagine saying that though. LOL

Well, not much else to tell...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good weekend with the girls.

That's really cool what you have said about people finding grace. Awesome.

I will pray for the situation with your house.

Not much else to add, mostly just wanted to say Hi.


Fallen Angel said...

First of all, is there anything I can do to help you? Money? Talk? Sounding board? Money? Anything? Email me privately - let me know if there is anything I can do. I'm very serious.

Its great that you can actually observe a church do so much changing for the better. Must be cool to watch.

However, I SO do not miss church.

All to often, I catch a part of a story, or gossip, or some stupid mean thing someone did at church lately - and I am SOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad not to be a part of anything like that anymore. Its weird how when you are out of something for awhile, and look back, how you realize how disfunctional it really was.

You will find answers. With or without god. If god does exist, maybe he just wants you to breathe right now. Sometimes you can't hear what you need to do unless it is quiet. At least thats how it is with me. You will find answers. From within if from nowhere else. Your intuition is very good. I should have listened to your advice about my mother, and moving. Instead, I did my own thing and have only brought pain and stress to me and to her.

I'm sorry about what happened when those people brought you groceries. I'm quite sure Jesus never asked anyone if they paid tithe or did anything else before he helped them. He just helped them. I can only imagine how I would have felt. Shame, embarassment, guilt, anger, rage. The whole gammit. And in reality, they are the ones that should feel those things. They will. It always comes back to you. Always.

When I was hungry you brought me something to eat. Where did I read that?

Its not Jesus I have a problem with. Its his fan-club that drives me nuts.

(I'm very serious about you emailing me - let me know. And I don't care if you pay tithe or not.)

Trailady said...

Hi Lily, Thanks for stopping by. Nice to hear from you! :o)

Angel, I hear you with the whole burn-out thing. Believe me, I'm there right now. Tired of the nonsense that happens and slides by in Christian circles. So often real seekers & honest-hearted people are turned away by the lack of love. The Carollton church was a real encouragement for me to see- now I know it really IS possible for church people to treat each other right and turn things around. The rest have no excuse.

Your quote about the fanclub reminds me of something Ghandi once said. "I honor and respect Christ, it's Christians I am wary of." He said this because it was a "Christian" nation that persecuted and lied to the Indians. Hundreds of men, women and children were slaughtered in a stadium by people in the "fanclub". Terrible!

There are many Christians & Muslims alike who point the finger at non-Christians and non-Muslims telling them they will go to Hell. But woe to those who's prideful attitudes and acts of hatred have turned people away from the idea of a loving God.

Many who think themselves to be "holy" are going to find themselves in an awkward position in the judgement. They were more busy trying to herd & brand sheep, that they neglected to feed them. You and I both have been victims of starvation. Hungry for love, acceptance, a kind word and a place to belong.

Now I'm on a journey to find God for myself. Not taking anyone else's word about it. He is vastly different from what I was told growing up. Amazing!!

Bulworth said...
