Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Dreams & Scars...

It is so difficult when I see the canyon between who I am and who I want to be. I have many dreams and goals, but as time passes and youth begins to fade- at times it is difficult to believe I will ever reach my goals. Does God give us gifts, then let them go unused? There is one dream in particular that I have been working toward for years, but it seems the winds of adversity are constantly blowing it away- just out of reach. Pray for me!
I want to be Christ-like, patient, long-suffering, gentle, meek and loving. But I seem to be SO off the mark. Romans 7 paraphrase puts it well "The things I want to do, I skip out on and instead I go head long into the things I don't want to do... Who will deliver me from this body of death?"
All of us have dreams & we all have scars. I'm convinced it's what we allow God to do with those 2 elements that will make a difference. I don't want to be content with mediocrity- I want excellence. I keep claiming "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it." Life is so short. The great tragedy here is there's not enough time, energy, resources to do everything worth doing, love & invest in everyone and develop all our God-given abilities. This is especially true when you have 4 children you are trying to nurture. So we have to pick and choose- narrowing the focus down to a few things we can manage and wait on The Lord..... God didn't bless Abraham & Sarah with a baby until it seemed virtually impossible and they had all but given up. Perhaps He is waiting to make my biggest dream come true? Will He hold out until I have given up all reasonable hope before He makes His move?? It would be much more fun if it could happen while I still have the energy to enjoy it! Oh well, patience is a virtue..... patience is a virtue.....

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