Saturday, November 12, 2005


I really enjoy Thanksgiving. I associate it with warm memories... the gathering of family & friends. I try to be thankful all year round, but it's especially nice this time of year. Life has always been a challenge, but I have SO much to be thankful for! My husband loves me, our children are healthy & growing. Family, friends, an active ministry, pets and a roof over my head are additional blessings.
I have been trying to pour myself more into things that can appreciate the investment. Money/material things cannot feel our love and will never appreciate us, but people and creatures may benefit greatly from an investment of time & energy. People change & friends move on, but there is always that core of friends & family who really make an effort to stay connected and I'm so happy to have them in my life!
I am grateful for that adventurous handful of people who came over here to start a new colony so long ago. The sacrifices made must have been enormous and the ride over? Well, it wasn't exactly a luxery cruise, but they made it. This country has been growing ever since- God is good. What are you most thankful for in 2005?

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