Thursday, July 27, 2006

Guess Who Showed Up??

I have a little buddy up in Maryland named Ian. I've been writing to him and his parents for several months now. You see, he's 9 years old and suffering terribly after a mysterious growth formed on his brainstem. They went in and took it out, but apparently it's growing back now and he isn't doing very well at all... I went to school with Ian's Mom & Dad and we were very good friends.
They have now accumulated a HUGE amount in medical bills. Someone who cared organized a fundraiser. Each participant paid $20 to be involved. I'm happy to say my non-church-going brother rode in this charity drive. He told me all about it. Guess who showed up?? About 15 people from the local churches and hundreds of other people- yep- rough biker types in leather & chains. I'm NOT surprised. Don't let all that tough talk, leather & metal fool you, biker guys are really softies on the inside- especially when it comes to little kids. Do you know how much Beer $20 will buy? Yet they gladly spent that money on Ian because his family needs help. My brother said these hairy, pierced men & tattoed women stood in line in their leathers in the hot sun for hours just for a chance to meet Ian & say "hi" to his folks. My brother's voice cracked as he told me the story and I get choked up just thinking about it. They raised over $10,000 in one day! God bless them!!! My brother asked these guys how they found out about the ride and they said they saw posters in many of the local bars. Hmmm, someone was willing to go into forbidden territory to make an invitation. Good for them!! To visit Ian's web page & see some pictures of the ride visit the link below. Keep this little guy in your prayers:

I often wonder, what would Jesus be like if He showed up today? Would we recognize Him any better now than they did way back in history? Would He be all sqeaky clean in a 3 piece suit throwing around big theology and courting the wealthy? Doubt it. Bet He wouldn't be very popular in the church if He came today. He would probably go to some church services, but during the week He'd most likely be found hanging with the whinos, whores and druggies. He wouldn't be out handing them religious pamphlets either. He'd be handing out Filet 'o Fish sandwiches & bottled water to the homeless. He would sit there compassionately listening to their stories. I can picture Him watching over a Heroine addict lying in a daze on a back street. Maybe He would stop and usher stray dogs off the road. Perhaps as you pass the hospital room of an Aids victim, you might catch a glimpse of The Christ sitting on the edge of the bed speaking tender words of forgiveness to the dying. I imagine Jesus would offer His coat to the drunk who sits on the corner in the rain. If Jesus were here today, though I am poor, I know He would come to my house and have dinner with me. He would let me bathe His feet with my tears. You see, He loves "losers" the most. The ones who have been abused, cast out and walked all over. He loves the people who seem to have it together, but the ones who feel hopeless are the ones He runs to the most. (That's what that word downtrodden means in the Bible) Even though He would have the ability to work miracles, He wouldn't benefit Himself or promote a political agenda. He would simply be a nice guy who smiles at people, winks at children and embraces the hurting. The reckless, healing love of Christ sees past a rough exterior to the core of who we are. Maybe if He were here today he would ride a Harley...


billie said...

nicely put. i guess it's easy to forget the origins of your faith when you live the good life. good for all of those "losers" who showed up and gave their time and money. nice post.

Fallen Angel said...

I loved this post. Thanks for sharing it.

I was wondering if Karl could provide me with some more information about the book that he quoted from a couple of post ago.

Hope you are doing better trailady. Hang in there. I don't always comment, but I always enjoy reading your blog.

Andy said...

TL, great post. Jesus clearly showed up in the faces of the tough guys.

I suspect we really would not recognize Him at all, because too many of us in the present day have made Jesus in our own image rather remembering that we were created in His image.

Reminds me of the lyrics from one of Derek Webb's songs, King and a Kingdom, in which he sings, "There are two great lies that I've heard. The day you eat the fruit of that tree you will not surely die; and that Jesus Christ was a white middle class Republican."

Nope...we wouldn't recognize Him at all.

BrainSyke said...

how can we donate to Ian? and not the website...

BrainSyke said...

please email me with details at


Trailady said...

Hi Brainsyke and anyone else who wishes to help this little boy & his family, you can send a tax-deductible donation to:

Operation Ian:
Mt. Aetna Elementary School, 10207 Crystal Falls Dr., Hagerstown, MD 21740

Make your check out to the school, but BE SURE to write OPERATION IAN in the memo so they know what it's for. Thank you SO much!!!

(Ian attended the Mt. Aetna school)

Trailady said...

Thanks Brian! This little boy is So precious! Just spoke with his Dad today and he is still hoping Ian will pull through this, but it's not looking very good...

One of the hardest things in life is to watch children and animals suffer. They have done nothing to deserve the pain they experience. It's so unfair and yet, they seem to handle it better than most adults. Go figure!

QUASAR9 said...

Yeah hi mother of four,
nice to find Real people
who really are Real
laters ... Q

Royce said...

This post warms my heart, I am a 260lb ( used to be 300 lb LOL ) hairy, tattooed ( soon to be more tattooed ) ex-biker. And only ex-biker because I have kids and I need a mini-van LOL.
Not to toot my own horn or put any spotlight on myself, but I always stop at accidents to see if I can help the people involved, and two days ago I gave a homeless diabetic dude a ride to the VA hospital because his foot was rotting off, black with green ooze coming out of it. Smelled up my van horribley, but I didn't care, he needed the help and I could offer it. Yet several people just walked past him and looked disgusted. They judged him for being sick, for being sick. Not for being a rapist or being a pedophile, but for being sick and poor, and broken, and helpless, and tearfull in the street. And i betcha' all of them were "christian".

You want to know what happiness is, you want to learn the intricacies of life??
Ask a biker, ask someone who rejects the materiel world, ask someone who finds joy in the rev of an engine or the laughter of his child, ask someone who has slept on the ground under his bedroll waiting for the rain to stop. Ask a biker the importance of being accepted in all the right social circles, or better yet ask a biker the most important thing he has learned in his life. It will not be the correct temperature to serve caviar at.
Pardon me for my rant, but I have always felt people " outside the norm " get a very bad rap, while self-serving, hypocritical, judgemental " christian" types get the OK from the general public.