Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Nobody Should!

60 people were killed in Pakistan when a bomb exploded in a park where Sunni worshippers were gathered to honor the birthday of Prophet Mohammad. I hope that none of my Pakistani friends were involved in this tragedy. My heart goes out to these people. I feel their pain intensely. Is this the way to bring change? How long will this go on?? These actions MUST stop!!

Nobody should ever die unarmed and without initiating violence
Nobody should have to live in constant terror and uncertainty
Nobody should ever have to collect body parts after a bomb blast
Nobody should be killed in their place of worship- this is an offense to Islam!
Nobody should send their children to school, wondering if they will come home alive
Nobody should be oppressed or forced to embrace a religion they don't believe in
Nobody should dispresect the faith or race of another
Nobody should grow up surrounded by death and despair
Nobody should profit from or take delight in the devastation of another
Nobody should ever have to bury their beloved children due to violence
Nobody should lose their entire family in a single day in a senseless attack
Nobody should be murdered in their own home by bandits
Nobody should ever die while purchasing food for their children in a marketplace
Nobody should lose their life simply because of the race or religion they were born to
Nobody should be so cold as to kill humanitarians, children, women or elderly persons

Those who commit these atrocities- by what writings and by what prophet do you justify these acts of indescriminatory hatred?? Let go of anger and find better ways to be heard.
The good in this world is worth celebrating, but sometimes the grief overwhelms me...


Royce said...

Agreed, I just watched a thing on the discovery channel where they compared the dna from random New Yorkers to the dna of some of the people in the Gobi Desert. Nomadic people with little influence from the outside world. They all were distantly related, sharing at least some of the same anscestors.
We are all family, we need to start acting like it.
Of course we could all just destroy ourselves an hope that the next incarnation of sentient life on this planet treats themselves and the enviroment better. But I really hope it does not come to that.

Trailady said...

I agree Royce, we ARE family. Hatred seems such a waste to me when we can learn SO much from each other. Every culture has really great things to share. I think people need greater vision. Often we only see what is within our immediate circle. (I've also been guilty of this) However, as my heart & mind open, I find there is such great beauty in all people. I wish to honor that.

Royce said...

Yeah, what is beautiful in one culture is often beautiful in another. Music, art, archtecture, food, and so much more.
I often like to quote the influence African-Americans have had on the American music scene.
Simply put African-American influence not only contributed but actually helped at the basic level form our music scene. Chuck Barry plugged in the guitar, Jimi Henrix perfected it, jazz, blues, phunk, reggae, ska, soul and who knows what else have evolved from their influence. Personally I would abhore an all white US, we would lack so much culuture. Think about the hispanic influence in food and music, afican influence, middle eastern influence. Can you imagine eating, listening to, and living in a country where only white inventions and influences where allowed. I don't have a vast enough knowledge of the middle east to say the Sunni contributed this or that, but i bet there are beautiful parts of their culture that other sects ( I hope I didn't offend anyone with that word )would prosper by being a part of.

Id it is said...

Nobody should be accused of being a voyeur and bystander while civility and humanity were being dragged to the slaughterhouse. Our future generations and history will hold us accountable for our apathy.
'The good in the world' is definitely worth celebrating. In fact one of the most renowned genres in Islamic Literature"Sufi" poetry does just that.

Trailady said...

Good thoughts, ID! I enjoy reading poetry in the Sufi tradition.

Trailady said...

Royce, YES I agree with your cultural statements. Bigotry is poison. For example, if a culture consistently inbreeds, eventually certain genetic faults become prominent and the people will suffer as a result. Likewise if there is no intermingling of cultures, a society can become stale. The fighting between Sunni's and Shia's is just as tragic to me as the Catholics and Protestants fighting in Ireland. This violence is all done in the name of God. Sad isn't it?!

Sam!! said...

Well i m in karachi, place of an incident. According to the latest news more than 50 r been killed n morethan 100 are been injured ;(

I dnt think that it was a religious war or anything between sunni n shia. Its all just to disturb the law n order n peace.

Islam teaches us peace n to respect other religions as well. Whoever id this is not a muslim for sure.

May Allah bless us all n keep us on the right way.



Royce said...

Very cool point Samrina. I bet most viloence done in any God's name was actually a cover for a human agenda, not people trying to please God.

Tim Rice said...

These things are sad. Violence only begets more violence - an endless cycle.

Trailady said...

Samrina, I'm so glad you were not there to witness the tragedy.

Yes Tim, you are 100% correct, hatred and violence only breed more hatred and violence. Someone wise once said, "The best way to kill an enemy is to turn them into a friend." I believe love is stronger than hatred.

bablu said...

Oh ! Thats gruesome.

Hasan Mubarak said...

This was one of the most sad & unfortunate events of my life...

People who're behind such gruesome acts donot belong to any religion or sect. They are the real 'terrorists'.

We strictly need to identify such people in our society and bring them to justice.

And this violence 'has' to stop...

Raheel Lakhani said...

The people who such things are airheaded, have no hearts, no minds and no religion.

Nabeel said...

yuppp this was just saddd .. i couldn't believe it.

I mean .. it's obvious (all educated people know) that it's the works of a third party (not sunni or shite) but someone else who wants sunni and shia's to fight.

this is just sad .. thanks for raising awareness