Monday, April 03, 2006

Why Do We Wait??

The little guy in the red shirt's name is Marquise, he is 6 years old. His wish was to have a really nice playground where he and his siblings could play. He is pictured here with the 'Make A Wish' team that helped make his dream come true.
I think the 'Make A Wish' foundation is doing a wonderful thing! Children who are terminally ill have a chance to see their wishes come true because of this organization:

I wonder why we tend to wait until someone is dying to make their dream come true? What if we all believed in each other and worked with as much enthusiasm every day to help other people realize their full potential or reach their greatest goal?
Also, why do so many of us wait until our dying day to do the right thing and make amends with family, friends, God and neighbors? Why not make peace NOW while there's still time left to enjoy the good results?

I don't mean to be depressing, but if you were dying what would you wish for? What changes would you make? Is this something you can work toward today?? If so, I say GO FOR IT! :o)


Roseuvsharon said...

Why wait to do the right thing? Why wait to stand up and let your voice be heard? What are we afraid of? How many employees finally speak out against the harshness of their employer, on their last day at the job? Why do we wait until the end to say anything?

Fear. Because not waiting means we'll still be around for any consequences. It's much easier to make things right as we are on our way out, because we won't have to deal with any consequences. It's much hard to effect change by putting things in order and then living with the results of that.

But, that's just my opinion.

Tim Rice said...

I think roseuvsharon has the answer as to why we often wait to do the right thing. It's fear of consequences and of rejection. We're afraid of the risk. But, trailady, I think we do miss out on so much because we do wait.

Trailady said...

I think you are both absolutely right. Often we don't try because there is NO guarantee of success. It's a risk that we must take and that is scary.

Good thoughts! :o)

Aiman said...

If I was dying right now, I would wish for Paradise. And I hope the same to all. I'm happy for the little boy getting his wish masha'Allah.

Trailady said...

This would be my wish too, Aiman! Good thoughts! :o)