Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Is Jesus Safe?

This blog is about my journey- as the title implies. Herein, I write about lessons I've learned, my experiences, mistakes I've made, ideas I have, questions I wrestle with and my dreams. I am a spiritual person, so it should be no surprise that God and religion are often the topics here. So I ask, "Is Jesus ever safe to talk about?".

The answer is a resounding "NO". Jesus is a highly controversial character:

1) He isn't safe for the unbeliever because after hearing about His love and the way He reached out to ALL people, they may find themselves feeling inclined to be like Him.
2) Jesus is not safe for many believers, because He is so radically different than many of the teachings we are raised with. If we study His life with an open heart, He will shake even the most devoted & sincere person to the very core of what they believe.
3) Due to the reputation many churches have given Christianity, in today's world, mention the name 'Jesus' and immediately you are written off as a fake, a goody-goody or someone who is going to judge.
4) In some countries you will be killed for believing in or speaking about Christ.

Jesus wasn't safe back in His time and He isn't safe today. He taught love and mercy, while others were teaching regimens. He showed the love of God while others were presenting God as vengeful and exacting. He taught simple lessons in a complicated religious culture. He emptied the temple of those who were there- not to worship God in humility, but who made an appearance to further their own agendas and line their own pockets. To quote CS Lewis, "Jesus Christ (Aslan) is not safe, but He is good". Stranger still, He is a dividing force that unifies.

I'm excited to find a growing number of individuals are coming together in the name of Jesus Christ. They don't see eye to eye on every theological or political idea, but it doesn't matter because they have been humbled and don't have to have everything their own way. They are not afraid to examine themselves in the light of Grace, to confess their weaknesses to one another and be real. These people would give you the shirt off their backs and you feel comfortable around them because they won't judge you for being a sinner. (They understand we're all sinners- no matter how much we know or how hard we try.) Mingle with this community and you will not find perfection, but you will find a passion for loving others and a place where you can be yourself. People are hungry for love, for tangible hope in a world of bombs and tsunami's.

This blog is about love, not hatred. Hope in the midst of desparaging circumstances. It's about freedom, not censorship and listening for the Voice of God above the voices of people. It's about living life to the fullest under the welcoming smile of God. Sometimes my views may step on toes. It is not my purpose to stir up angry debates or to condemn anyone here.


Raheel Lakhani said...

I agree Love is what people need the most. I went to buy a frame of a Quranic Ayah and the old man who was selling it showed immense love for me.. so much that I was shocked. Maybe he felt special or he wanted me to feel special. I thought I was so blessed that I received unconditional love from a stranger. Love makes our world go round and we should try our best to transcend it into lives of other people.

Sean Dietrich said...

Great blogging.
I would be honored if you would check out my site. I am a musician and all my music is free on my site. Anyway, just wanted to share.

"All my music is free."

Trailady said...

Hello Raheel! Happy to see you are still blogging. What a neat experience to meet someone you don't even know and be able to feel a connection!! :o)

Sean, Thanks for stopping by. I think it's COOL that all your music is free. Really, making music is not all about money for me. It's about being able to express something that brings better understanding. God bless your ministry!! :o)

S. Jabbar said...

Gracious is God for whomever He wishes to save is safe, for whomever He does not wish, is not safe. It is the constant struggle to seek for the forgiveness of God. For no one knows the unseen, but God. When His Highness wishes evil turns light, for When His Highness does not wishes, creatures fool themselves, demon turns Satan. Let us not judge people for God may have mercy on us all, not to go astray.

Trailady said...

Welcome S.Jabbar, and thanks for stopping by to say "hello".

You are correct in saying, we are not to judge- Almighty God is the true judge.

Blessings be Upon You. :o)

S A J Shirazi said...

Like every human, I need love too. Share some with me. Very beautiful assertions here. Liked it.

Jody said...

I think Jesus is a dangerous topic even among fellow Christians. Everyone has their favorite verses and Biblical concepts or theology, and some use Jesus to divide the body. It's great to measure scripture against scripture and to sharpen one another, but I don't think the Lord would want us to sharpen one another for a battle with each other. I think we always need to be reminded of humility and love and grace.

Trailady said...

Hello Shirazi, Rest assured, you are valued.

Brian, I'm glad you can see who I am. :o)

Jody, Great thoughts- as always. Absolutely agree with you. Truth does us no good unless it brings us into humility.