Monday, September 25, 2006

Noah's Plea...

For over a hundred years a devoted, elderly man stood before mocking crowds inviting them to "come into the ark and be saved". Behind him stood a large wooden vessel that by faith he and his sons had built. Grace and Mercy were being offered before destruction was to fall upon a corrupt planet in the form of a flood. According to the story, in the end, only 8 were saved. Why? First of all the people doubted that it would ever rain as Noah warned. Secondly, the act of entering the ark wasn't hard, sophisticated or scientific enough for the crowd of intellects. To enter the ark meant leaving community, houses and riches behind. Entering the ark meant earning the ridicule of the other wise sages, advisors, friends and neighbors. Most painfully, to get on board meant breaking ties and losing influence with family and peers.

Today, Grace and Mercy are still being offered. The Holy Spirit pleads "Come into the Ark and be saved". The Ark is NOT a denomination, but Christ Himself. He IS the surest Vessel, the Rock that cannot be moved, the Shelter in the time of storm, the Stone which the builders rejected.

When a life is truly surrendered to God, He will change that person from the inside out. A short-tempered person becomes calm. A driven personality finds peace. Those who slowly kill themselves with destructive behaviors learn a better way. It may take years, but change WILL come if the person sincerely wants to be like Jesus. They will have a heart for the poor, for the downtrodden and the outcast. They will not steal, cheat or lie, not because of a focus on "keeping" stone tablets, but because the heart is no longer as selfish as it once was. That person may still have many questions about their faith- but God is big and patient enough to answer. To ponder one's purpose and place in religion, to be honest about one's journey is not being disrespectful or hateful to anyone. To press for reform in a church that admittedly is in need of change is not being a "divider of the brethren" or a "hateful worker of iniquity".

Reality is, my friends, the church has never been blissfully unified- which has been a large part of my frustration. There have always been Liberal, Conservative, Ultra-Conservative, Independant factions and highly contested issues from the very start. (I know this because I have been all of these in my attempts to be what God wants me to be.)
The most destructive attitude of all is that which says, "You must act, think, worship, eat, dress, express yourself and agree with me on every little point in order to be acceptable to God." Just as there were many different animals of all kinds, shapes and species that entered the ark, there is also room for variety in the Ark- which is Christ. (yes it's true- read your prophet) We are different, but we are of the same God. It is He who works in us, both to will and to do His good pleasure.

I'm not beyond making a mistake, but my heart is in the right place. I seek a kingdom not built by human hands, but by the very hand of God. Am I angry- yes I am. I choose to forgive, I don't hate anyone, but great wrongs have been done to my family and to some of my dearest friends. It's going to take a while to heal.
These days I am regarded either with cold, indifferent silence- don't think I don't feel it- or I become the recipient of scolding lectures and letters from people who claim to be "concerned" for me. Strangely enough there are no letters of correction being written to those who mistreated my family- it comes our way for feeling hurt & disillusioned about it- as if we have no right to feel or express ourselves- even anonymously on a blog. Clearly these people are NOT really concerned for us but for protecting the validity of a religion. The best thing that could ever be done is to love me, folks- that's all I've ever wanted. REALLY love me, invest in me and treat me with genuine kindness- not just saying pretty words and offering token gestures of friendship in order to gain influence over me and bend me to your will. I am a broken person and a sinner- I admit it constantly, why do people feel a need to chastize me? Is it because the message I share is such a simple one? Are my words so insulting??

"Come to Jesus and know the abundant life He offers". "Come to Jesus and find rest for your souls". "Come to God and know that you are loved". "Dance before your Maker in the freedom of the Spirit". "Repent and you will be forgiven because God is merciful". "Live by conviction". "Make peace with those around you- even if they are different from you". Please tell me which part of my message is hateful and vindictive??

Sin goes far beyond transgression of the law- it has been oversimplified for generations. Anything done without faith is also sin. That means, if I'm not convicted in my heart, yet do whatever I am told- I am not walking in faith but in conformity. The church or any of it's members cannot be my conscience and I will no longer apologize for living.

I am taking the first big steps to enter the Ark of safety. There are many voices calling my name, trying to hold me back, telling me I'm being foolish, that I'm going about it all wrong, but there is only One Voice I can listen to. That is the voice of a simple Shepherd from Galilee who loves me and finds me beautiful- scarred as I am... He tenderly bids this little lamb to come into the Ark and be saved...

5 comments: said...

good analogy, the ARK, and in Scott Bonnell's blog lies your answer, that greatness means being misunderstood.

In dealing with people, I find an abundance of discouragement, but the majority of people just dont "get it" you know? The majority is asleep and just want to keep things as they are. If you want change it is very difficult.

Jody said...

I just wrote a big response to this post, but Blogger erased it. Suffice it to say: I agree with you. I know how it is to be in your position and I find it so liberating to walk with Christ before walking with people!

Tracy said...

Great Post! Isnt it a blessing when one allows God to enter ones soul? To trust fully that he will help guide your days? The peace I find in Jesus allows all my past sins, and hurts to heal.

Thank you for sharing.

Kev said...

Unfortunately, the wheat and the tares will be together till the very end. That shouldn't surprise us. God said that in the end He will separate them from each other. We just have to keep hanging on.

It is an unfortunate thing that some people treat others with contempt and shun others as if they were righteous themselves. Love does not do that. Love endures... hopes... encourages. Jesus is our best example.

Trailady said...

Hi Gabrielle, Thanks for stopping in. :o)

Jody, That has happened to me before.

Inheritor, Yes, we tend to want to gravitate toward the complicated religion.

Mysti, Yes it is a blessing!

Kev, Jesus IS the best example. Right on, man!! Thanks for stopping in.