Tuesday, October 31, 2006

No Other Gods- Part II

As I grow in my faith, it becomes easier to identify three kinds of people:

1) Those who have been so hurt, offended or neglected by "Christians" that they completely dismiss the faith and do whatever they please.
2) Those who idolize the church and are cheerleaders for their particular brand of religion virtually saying, "Rah-rah us, we have the truth and no one else does. Stand up tall, like a steeple, 'cause we're God's only chosen people! Goooooooo ------------'s" (insert name of church) To them everything is black & white with no room for variance.
3) Then there are those who are broken, questioning and truly long to be part of God's Kingdom- wherever it takes them. I call them 'Kingdom Seekers'.

Those who play church are content- they have it all figured out- don't mess up the routine or challenge them to think outside the box. You will tend to hear the same proof texts, cliche statements and old presentations from this bunch. Often their outreach tactics are irrelevant to modern culture.

A true seeker never stops learning, changing and growing. A true Christian isn't out for their own glory- that's why they can freely admit they are "chief of sinners". Members of God's Kingdom aren't working to save souls for bragging rights about how many converts they've won or because they want more stars in their crowns. Kingdom builders still make mistakes, but reach out to others because they truly care. There's NOTHING they wouldn't give to help or encourage another human being. People put up buildings and run churches, but God controls The Kingdom. There is new life and vibrance in Him!

The Cross is the great leveler of mankind. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female- only children bearing a simple message. "God is love". "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us". "By Grace you have been saved and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, lest anyone boast".
God looks past the sophisticated fables we live out to see the heart. How deep is His searching- how great the invitation- "whosoever will". His embrace reaches beyond economic status and denominational boundaries. Who can define His Kingdom- except to say there's always room for one more? It isn't necessary to define every little detail of faith. The Spirit moves as the Spirit wills. Kingdom mentality understands that we're all born to unique circumstances and see things a bit differently. There is freedom within the Kingdom because nobody is trying to push their own agenda. The focus is Christ and Him crucified.


Anonymous said...

It is such a joy to see the work of his hands setting you loose and giving you ees that see. God is so good...But it's only those that are willing to step out of the boat that know what it is to be pulled from the deep. Saved from waves, I stand on such a rock. it is a shame that those that clain his name do not get to know this for their unwillingness.

Jody said...

It is so true how we can become one of these 3 kinds of people. I think i've filled all three sets of shoes. I still find it difficult not to look up to my pastor too much. I respect him deeply, and i pray for him and his family, but I have to recognize that he and i don't see eye to eye on everything, and he is human. I have also been hurt by previous pastors that I trusted, but I don't want that experience to color my experience now.
Right now I am welcoming other believers into my life who go to different churches in the area, have different views on things, and are generally different from me in some way. But I recognize that they are still my brothers and sisters, and I would rather unite than divide.

Trailady said...

Hi Girls, Thanks for sharing some of your experiences with me. I enjoy hearing how others are growing in Grace.

It has certainly been a bitter-sweet experience for me. Hard to re-educate my spirit to accept the Love and Rest God offers.