Monday, February 27, 2006

Bust the Science Myths...

Click on the link below, read the quick facts & determine if they are true or false. Very interesting- Enjoy!!


~Dizzy Miss Lizzy~ said...

Those are actually a lot of random facts that at one point or another I have wondered if they are true. Now I know :D

BrainSyke said...

hey, that was very intersting!

Royce said...

First of all I have a sex related thought at least every 7 seconds, if not a thought at least a impulse. ( LOL )
Dogs have a anti-venom/anti-bacterial agent in their saliva, their imune system is also several times more efficient than ours, so the way the statement is worded is true, bacterium are not species specific and dogs are exposed to several more strains of them than us, but I have cultured human vs dog vs toilet seat and human mouth always comes out the worst bacteria count, this was an ongoing biology expirement in school, the teacher said the results rarely varied from year to year.

Royce said...

you read that right, public toilet seats have fewer bacteria than our mouth ( altough the strains on the toilet seat were worse for you )
You wanna know the worst bacteria count we found............drumroll please dsadadadadadada movie theatre seats. e-coli breeding grounds they are

Trailady said...

Royce, Interestingly enough, Dr's will also tell you that a human bite is much worse than a dog bite-as far as infection goes...

Nabeel said...

yes I read this couple of days ago .. it was a great read .. the most surprising was the earth's seasons one .. i didn't know it was the earth's tilt towards the sun and not the distance.

Anonymous said...

You mean you didnt allready know all this? ha just kidding