Friday, February 17, 2006

An Understanding Heart...

When King Solomon was offered a request from The Lord God, he could have asked for anything. Instead, he asked for wisdom. God was pleased and granted his request. Centuries down the road of history, he is still called Solomon-the-wise. When I was 14, I too asked the Lord for wisdom. This was of great value to me, since life is very confusing and I wished to understand. The Lord has certainly not granted me the wisdom of Solomon, but He is allowing me to have experiences for which I am wiser. University, Marriage, Children, etc. all serve to increase my wisdom. Knowledge is one thing- facts, wisdom is another for wisdom includes understanding. Being a mother has been one of the most humbling experiences for me! From the birth process itself, to changing diapers and discipline, the challenges of everyday living are teaching me. I am learning my own strengths and limitations. I don't have all the answers and that's okay. I'm constantly seeking The Lord for guidance. I want to do right by my children and give them more than I had growing up. I want them to be well-rounded, educated, open-minded people.
I often think fear & predjudice are due to a lack of understanding. When we fear another culture, for example, it is mainly because we fail to understand it's elements. Could it be that sometimes people fail to study, because if they learn about other people, they will find how similar we are and there will be no reason to despise them anymore? Could it be we may find that we are no better than they and this knocks us off the pedastal we place ourselves upon??
Lord, I have learned a lot, but in so many ways, I am still a little child. Give therefore, Thy servant, an understanding heart.


Sam!! said...

Well friend learning can never end, we learn whole life. Every phase of life teaches us new things, as u said being a mother u leraned few things, as a wife u had learned few, as a daughter, n etc...

U really had a successful life till now n hope u ll have in future too.


Tim Rice said...

Every experience has something to teach us if we are only ready to see. said...

Hi. I finally made it to photos! It was my mac computer - it had old Explorer on it so I got Safari instead and voila! I am having a blast posting photos! Go to my site to see my beyootiful face! Ha!

BrainSyke said...

learning is tough. What we learn out of our experiences depends upon a lot of things. Ironically, the more we learn, the more we realize how much we dont know.

Learning and understanding is very different. I sometimes feel that certain experiences have taught me something, but, I realize that several inhibitions, ambitions,presuppositions, temtations, and expectations prevent me from understanding with a broader perspective. It is a constant struggle. Without understanding, I fear what I learn might goto waste.

Trailady said...

Each of you have wisdom to add to my posts. Thanks for sharing!! :o)

Gabrielle, I'm glad you figured out how to post pictures!