Reach Beyond the Boundaries...
I really enjoy Blogging! I've "met" so many wonderful people in cyberspace. One thing I have realized this week is that Blogging helps us join hands as people. I have made friends in so many countries because of Blogs. Let the slanted media & hatemongers say what they will- I like to get the real story from the people themselves. I want to thank my kind Muslim friends who have visited this site and agree that we should have mutual respect & honor for each other. I've had a chance to share a little snapshot about life in the US this week. We are not all violent, gun-slinging, immoral, unhealthy, rich people here. Most Americans are simple people just working hard to enjoy their lives and feed their families. We are not blood-thirsty Muslim haters who want to control the world! Sadly, I have read several hate blogs that lump all Westerners into one category & encourage violence against them. Is that fair or ethical? I nor my family have done anything against any Muslim- why would you want to kill us?? I choose to see other people as individuals and I truly thank those of you who have chosen to see me in the same light. I dream, I laugh, I hurt, cry, pray and enjoy living as much as anyone else. We may look and believe differently, but beyond that we are all the same. I have learned that many Muslims abroad are quite reasonable, honorable and open-hearted people. I challenge those who are not afraid to love to connect with others. It does each of us good to learn the world is bigger than just what we know or have been told. How I wish we could all live in Peace! Blogging allows us to cross racial, religious and cultural boundaries and reach out to each other. This promotes understanding and I'm ALL for it!!
Blogging is a wonderful tool. Its also you who can make intellectual and diversed benefits from it, if you use it for purpose like we are doing. I find your blog very interesting and thankful we have some sane people like you in blogosphere and I am glad to be part of the discussion on this wonderful blog.
If I sum up what I think about west is, I don't hate Americans but I hate negative aspects of pop culture and Bush Adminstration.
The feeling is mutual. I have joined an evangelical university for my grad education, and I love sharing thoughts and idea in our class discussion. Besides, our class assignment gave me an excuse to resume study of the bible and understand most Christian's views on it better.
Praise be to God (alone). I am ever so thankful. I seek refuge in Him against ignorance,arrogance,lethargy; against disbelief, hate and anger.Amiin
And I pray the same for us all.
I just want to give my amen to your last two sentences which were as follows:
Blogging allows us to cross racial, religious and cultural boundaries and reach out to each other. This promotes understanding and I'm ALL for it!!
And that's a big reason why I like to blog and participate in other people's blog.
And thanks trailady for stopping by my blog.
"Blogging allows us to cross racial, religious and cultural boundaries and reach out to each other. This promotes understanding and I'm ALL for it!!"
You are my kind of realist. Bring forth the good fortune from your words to all of the human race. I am here to understand and partake in your humanitarian efforts.
raheel, there is a radio show I heard once here that called the Bush administration The Bush Crime Family. I agree.
What part of pop culture don't you like?? I am asuming you are not talking about the horrible wailing of Brittany Spears, every post of yours I have read seems much deeper than that.
we don't just think about the respect for others .. we have to respect other religions .. it's written in our book .. we have no choice but to respect others (People of the Book)
Ultimate repect is given to a Mother .. then ofcourse everybody else. "Heaven lies beneath the feet of a mother" - Islam
What a graceful and candidly great post.
I really commend you.
Simply Elegant.
For the westerners who openly disgraced the Koran, I appologize.
I am ( if I am anything ) buhddast, and the Buddah teaches that all holy books are inspired and worth studying. If christians cannot recognize this, it is thier loss.
I'm confused because many blog sites I recently visit by Muslims who claim to hate western culture often list some American films and books to be their favorites. Some of the films are naughty or incredibly violent or immoral. How can it be condemned and enjoyed at the same time? Not trying to pick a fight, I just don't understand how this can be?
I agree, that this cyberspace opportunity is just incredible! I am so blessed by it - a great way to reach out to others.
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