Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Comfort of Prayer...

I love to pray! It is no burden to talk to God. I go to Him with my questions, my doubts and fears. I go to Him asking forgiveness for my sins & mistakes and find strength for my weakness. He hears me. I run to Him when I am broken-hearted and find rest knowing that God sees all, that He is just. He knows the beginning from the end. It's a comfort to whisper in darkness to the One who created all things and find there is no need to fear. I knew from an early age there IS a God. He was grossly misrepresented by those who meant well, but did not know Him. They were harsh, critical and impatient with me. For a time I was angry and turned my back on Him altogether. I sought other philosophies, but found no peace there. My soul has always had a sense of God's presence- I can feel His hand upon me. I cannot deny He exists when He alone can change me from a lonely, bitter, depressed girl, to a woman who can love and lives in hopefulness. I cried out to God in my despair and in His mercy, He heard me. He has blessed me with a husband who loves me and 4 beautiful children- a family to love and care for. God is the song of my life and the rhythm of my soul. I honestly believe prayer changes things... (I tried to post a beautiful painting of Hagar crying out to God in the desert, for the life of her son, Ishmael, but it wouldn't publish correctly.) God heard Hagar's prayer when she was cast out and water sprang forth from the earth.


BrainSyke said...

I learned this a long time ago, and still trying to understand it to the fullest to this day:
"It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than [his] jugular vein".[Quran 50:16]

All events and objects that we encounter in real life - buildings, people, cities, cars, places - in fact, everything we see, hold, touch, smell, taste and hear comes into existence as visions and feelings in our brain.

We "see" the world through sense of hearing, vision, smelling, and touch. We interpret and know the only only through these senses.
However, in reality we never see real existing materials and we never touch real materials. We "see" the world, only through our limited senses. This "seeing" takes place in the vision center located in our brains - and is the size of credit card. Our lives are a strong "illusion" generated by senses in our brain.

If our lives are visions created in our brains, then who is it that creates these visions? And who is it that sees these visions in our brains without having eyes and enjoys them, gets excited and happy?

It is the soul that percieves all, and every bit of perception is continously rendered by God, maintained,regulated and ordained by God. Our souls are week by nature and easily fooled by these perceptions.

Unto Him is the end of all....

I remember posting "Armies Of My Soul" some time ago.

Solution to everything is prayer :-) thanks for sharing

BrainSyke said...

Prayer is the natural inclination of the soul. Our senses pass on too many signals that the soul become to engaged in consuming them and gets temporarily diverted from its natural inclinations.

BrainSyke said...

I appreciate the story of Hagar and Ishmael you relay here. It reminded me of one of the rituals of Hajj which are based on it

Tim Rice said...

I'm no prayer warrior compared to many I know. But the longer I live, the more I value prayer even when it is only scattered prayer sentences throughout a day.

Raheel Lakhani said...

I just can't believe the fact that your every post make me feel that it is not you who wrote it but it is me. I mean MOST of our opinions are so similar. My another blog has something similar on prayer and its on main page itself :)

Nabeel said...

very nice post .. and I know .. it's no burden to talk to God .. and well in our case (Muslims) it is compulsary to pray 5 times a day .. and well see many times people say oh i'm bz I can't pray and well there is a saying .. don't tell prayers that you have work to do .. tell work that you have prayers to do

Sam!! said...

Completely agree with u, exactly same thats wat i feel, think n do. God is the most trustworthy with whom we can share anything, who understand even if we dnt say anything. He is the only one who have all the things in His hands so we r suppose to have all the expectations only n only from Him.
Prayers makes a big difference thats my experience too.

Agree with Brainsyke, thnx to u too for sharing here.

Thnx God for each n everything n giving u sort of friend :)

Hope u doing fine there.


Trailady said...

Thank you for your comments, my friends. Always a joy to hear your thoughts!! :o)