Monday, February 13, 2006

A Fool...

There are many teachings, thoughts and ideas that make no sense to those who's hearts are hard. Jesus taught that we should love our enemies, do good to those who curse us and turn the other cheek. He was considered a fool by the leadership of that day as the Jewish nation suffered under Roman rule. Jesus did not come to argue or play politics, He came to teach us how to love & honor God and our fellow man. Many rejected His teachings, because they were looking for a vengeful warrior who would overthrow Roman oppression. Instead, Jesus fed the poor, showed mercy toward the sick, and loved those who were cast out. Even as He was being nailed to a cross He said "Father Forgive". I cannot help but be drawn to such amazing love!
I know what it's like to be abused and as a result to hate the abusers. But I did not like what happened to me as hatred began to fill my heart. My whole world became dark and I lost my ability to find joy in simple things. The power of love... allows us to rise above the one who sins against us through forgiveness and treat them well. Someone wise once said, "The best way to kill an enemy is to turn them into a friend". This is honorable.
People who considered themselves "wise" called Jesus a fool, but what an impact for good He made! Ghandi was mocked for his non-violent protests, but look what changes occured in India. Martin Luther King, Jr. suffered many insults and violence against him, yet he refused to fight back and his cause was also successful. All 3 of these leaders finally gave their lives for what they believed in. Hatred is strong, but love is stronger! The Bible says, "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for a friend." I have so much to learn...


David said...

Hey girl,
Jesus brought heaven to earth. It was heaven to be in His presence. You make it sound like He was equal to Gandhi and Dr. King. But I know you don't mean it that way.
Jesus wasn't just another martyr. I know you know that. But now you know I know that! Actually, what is it like to be a martyr? What courage does it take? That is a deep subject.
Nevertheless, martyrs are followers. Jesus was the great leader. He wasn't the first to give His life for truth, but He was the first to go into death without any hope to look beyond the present situation or the grave. With His Father, by all His senses, turned against Him, seeing the full anger for sin and what it had done to all heaven, Jesus went into pain and death feeling only that He was eternally lost to oblivion and separated forever from His only Father.
This will be our study for eternity.
Take care, Trailady.

BrainSyke said...

Prophet Jesus, was indeed unlike any other man. He was the devout prophet of God; one of the best among all mankind.

I dont think Christianity is about Jesus or from Jesus. I have never been able to discuss christianity with any christian beyond the facts that Jesus was very loving; love is great and powerful; jesus is love

I think Christianity is from the bible.

BrainSyke said...

I do not mean to impose my belief; just expressing my experiences. I've always wanted to hear what else christianity is for a christian without being defensive.


Gingers Mom said...

It sounds as though you have a very valuable testimony. So many people choose to take their hurtful past and use that as an excuse to be bitter and angry. Like my mother in law - what a beautiful woman she would be if she would just learn to let go of her past and turn to Jesus. Bitterness changes your heart, spirit and body. Good for you for turning to the right Person in Jesus for your healing and strength.

David said...

Trailady, forgive me for taking over for a second!

I appreciate your humility and willingness to learn. As a Christian, I am always trying to know Jesus better. Not that that's all just mental gymnastics. Much was documented in the Hebrew scriptures, as you probably know, concerning the Messiah to come, and Jesus answered to all of those Hebrew prophecies. Even the time Jesus arrived perfectly fit Daniel's 70 week prophecy.

But once a person sees that, there is still much work left in getting to know Jesus, who is now returned to heaven and promises to come back amidst a violent and corrupted world.

I believe Christ was more than just a prophet. Somehow, some way, He was God in the flesh. "And we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."--John.

Thanks for your time, BrainSyke. I enjoyed your blogsite.

Anonymous said...

This blog has opened up some interesting discussions lately. I dont always reply, but alwasy read. To me, Christianity means to be a follower of Jesus the Christ. We learn more about Jesus and how to be a Christian from study of the Bible.

BrainSyke said...

I really appreciate how the christian friends are offering me advice. I really am.

after several years, I have gotten back to the study of bible, and this time I want to take a different approach. I want to see how christians approach the bible...what they see, and what the dont, what they learn, and what I miss, and what I dont.

BrainSyke said...

but, everytime I have tried that in the past; my christians friends always begin to convince me to become christian instead - thinking that I am not familiar with the teachings of bible.

I am familiar with bible's religious teachings. But only want to learn to see what christian go to the bible for, what they seek in it, and what they find in it. What is the real significance of the bible? Is it that Jesus',May God's peace and blessing be upon him, stories about his life and his miracles are in it, or is there more. I want to gather a full understanding of all perspectives bible offers to my christian friends.

knowing a bit about the humility and dedication is some of the people here, i thought this would be the best place to seek my answers among you all:-)

Trailady said...

Those who know me know I'm very passionate about Jesus Christ & I am trying to live as His follower. I mention Ghandi & Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. because they have also profoundly inspired me and there is much to be learned from them. Ghandi greatly respected the Bible & Jesus Christ, however he never became a Christian because he never saw those who claimed to be Christians live up to what the Bible taught about kindness, gentleness, joy, humility and peace. He saw "Christian" soldiers slaughter men, women and children in the streets of India and burn the houses of Muslim families. To him this was unnacceptable- but he refused to hate. The great love in Ghandi's heart for all men recognized this was not the way of Jesus. MLK, JR. was a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus. Instead of raising weapons against his enemies, he and his followers would march holding hands and singing hymns in the face of persecution. While Jesus walked the earth, He personified love. Precious few truly love family or neighbors- let alone their enemies. It's a benefit to us all to study the lives of these 3 great leaders. Ghandi once said, "He who angers you, controls you". Wisely spoken!

Tim Rice said...

Thanks, trailady, for your words. Loving one's enemy is so difficult but ultimately the only way. Violence and hate only begets more violence and hate. Love may be rejected; but it offers a chance to end the cycle of hate.

Trailady said...

Brainsyke, Thank you for your question. After searching for many years to find truth, for a time I completely denied that God even existed. I found only emptiness in that life. So, setting aside all I was ever told about God, I began to seek Him for myself. I studied the Bible and was blessed to discover that
1)We were created by an all-knowing God and didn't come from apes. God has a plan and a purpose for each of us.
2)I learned that God is NOT angry with us, He does not seek to destroy, but to save us. He is a God of love and Mercy. We are His children when we make a mistake, we can go to God for forgiveness.
3)He also hears my prayers & praises to Him and wants me to pray continuously. This is a privilege!
4)When the end of all things comes, our Messiah will redeem us from this world of chaos & disaster. There will be a judgement of the good & evil deeds that have been done.
5)Above all, as I study the life of Jesus, my heart began to change! How could one be so kind? A light broke through to my darkness. A heart shriveled by anger began to love. I found hope. I know God lives, because I feel Him changing me. This is what being a Christian means to me... The Bible & the power of God help me live better- to love & forgive others and to live in peace. :o)

BrainSyke said...

very touching. Thanks traillady for sharing that with us.

Fred W said...

A wise and courageous woman once said when challenged for her beliefs: "Christ died for my sins. That's all that matters." Believe this, and the good life follows. He came that we may have life, and that we may have it more abudantly. His Word, the Bible, is the Word of Life.