Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Bigger Picture...

I remember back in the 1990's, there was a trend of 3D pictures, posters and books containing these colorful, rectangular color masses. (I just saw one at the mall the other day) If you stared at the colorblocks long enough- a picture would appear. My friends thought this was really cool and claimed they could see the hidden pictures. As for me, well I would stand with my nose against the picture, then slowly back up and saw NOTHING!! My eyes would go blurry and cross-eyed. I stared until my eyes watered- even tilted my head and tried to see the picture, but simply could not. This was frustrating! Then one day someone said, "You'll never see the picture if you already have an idea in your head of what it's going to look like. Simply go to the picture, let it be what it is and it will reveal itself. So, back to the wall I went. The title of the artwork was 'Sailing', but instead of looking for a certain image, I simply gazed upon the print and waited. To my shock and amazement, there suddenly appeared a big galley ship with large sails jumping out at me!! It was the coolest thing and what appeared was actually better than what I would have imagined on my own. The next one I did was a Tiger- it was even more amazing! Sweeeet!!

It's the same principle with finding God. If we approach the Bible, the Torah or the Quaran, etc. with strong pre-conceived ideas of what God is like and Who He is, we may just miss the true picture. Some of us are looking SOOOO hard for God that we can't see Him. Breathe, relax. He wants to reveal Himself. The more I go to the Word with a teachable spirit, the clearer my picture of God becomes. I find the reality of Who He is VASTLY different and far greater than I ever imagined Him to be.

I find this same principle also holds true with people. When we judge people by their past, race, social status or appearance, we register a pre-conceived stereotype of who this person is and what they have to offer. What if we approached each individual with an open mind and a willingness to see what will unfold? What if we gave everyone a chance?? I've pre-judged many people in my time and can tell you that many times I was pleasantly surprised to find I was mistaken. The reverse has also been true as there are times when I thought I could trust someone and they betrayed me. When this happens, we tend to view everyone as suspect and miss the truest picture of who they are.

You can't judge a book by it's cover and we will never see the truth until we let truth reveal itself.


BrainSyke said...

You have put this very beautifullly. One of my greatest weakenesses has been presumptions, and assumptions.

learning about the self increases one own potential. thanks

Gingers Mom said...

I think you are so right about how we should approach God. If we just seek Him, He will reveal himself to us.
I always liked those 3D pics.
I noticed that you mention the Torah and Quaran frequently. I can tell that you are Christian, and it makes me wonder what you believe about other religions.

The SSP said...

He, he - I could never see the picture in those things. It truly is nice to know that God is there - always, and in everything - whether we can see Him or not!

Trailady said...

Brainsyke, you have potential you haven't even touched yet. Blessings be upon you.

Lisa, thanks for surfing in. Feel free to visit anytime! :o)

Brian, that's too bad, but even if you can't see hidden 3D pictures we can still be friends. LOL

Hi Kristen, Yes, I am a follower of Jesus Christ, but I feel there is great value in reading the writings from other beliefs as well. (I feel this helps me become a more well-rounded person.) I have friends of many persuasions and reading up on what they believe helps me connect and promotes understanding. Thanks for stopping by today, I know your life is really BUSY right now. :o)

SSP, Yep- so VERY true!

Anonymous said...

I never could see those fool pictures either. Now that I know the secret Ill have to try again.