Thursday, June 08, 2006

Well Said!

"The focal point of all reforms should be human liberation, and the respect for human value and human rights. The free development of each individual is the basis for all social progress."

Xu Wenli

So true, so true- I believe this applies to religion as well as to the socio-political aspects of life.


David said...

Very true. I like the engraving on the inside of the circular lintel supporting the Jefferson Memorial dome. Quoting Mr. Jefferson, "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." That's neat and so compelling. I'm thankful for people like him to help steer our nation's course in its infancy.

Sam!! said...

So very true and i do agree what u stated lastly about the statement.

Hope u n rest everything is fine at ur side:)


BrainSyke said...

Very true...

I think that is completely inline with the central message of all divine revelations.

whoever holds and practices this believe will certainly have a positive impact on him/her self and other around

Jody said...

wow this quote really resonates with me this morning. I am really growing weary of the spiritual abuse I've seen occur for people I know, and it's true that people sometimes need to be liberated from the control of religious authority. This morning I found out a friend of my husband's is struggling outside of fellowship because the leadership at our former church used him as an informant. they commissioned him to retrieve "intelligence" (said: gossip) from people within the congregation or people who have left (us). After he was no longer of any use because people started realizing what he was up to, the leaders dropped him and treat him like dirt, giving him ugly nicknames. He was only trying to submit to authority as they well taught him, but in the end they were only trying to control him and others rather than showing everyone the liberation we have through CHrist. The whole thing is pretty creepy. Thankfully God has been able to heal myself and my husband for the most part, but evertime we bump into someone who is being mistreated by the same people who mistreated us it feels like the wound tears open a little. I don't know what to do. Do we move on with our lives and ignore what it happening in order to keep the peace, or should we be more vocal about what's going on? It pains me to know that there are people who will be betrayed, but at the same time I don't want to go against God and reveal this mess. Such a hard decision. I don't like being in this position, but I know God has a purpose. I just hope that He would give me the courage and patience to do whatever it is I'm supposed to do.

Nabeel said...

well God said .. to love your fellow men .. we should respect all human beings ..

Trailady said...

Good comments!

Jody, how I feel for you!! My husband was just fired from an organization we dedicated our lives to for 12 years. It wouldn't be so bad if dishonesty wasn't involved on the part of our superior. What a mess!!

In my opinion, the greater wrong is to keep silence when there are known abuses. Not one of God's children were born to be abused. I believe it is always the better course to speak out against such behavior. I am sorry for your struggle. God is near...