Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Art of Living...

Life is like making a picture on a blank piece of paper. You can only draw in ink- you can't erase anything and the colors are permanent. When you mess up, you either draw around the mistake, color over it or try to scribble it out. Eventually, the drawing begins to take shape and becomes recognizable art. Obviously the fewer mess-ups, the better the overall picture is going to look. We need to be wise and we need to be careful. However, our judgement as humans is fallible and mistakes are inevitable.

When my kids first started drawing- their little hands awkwardly grasped the crayon, pencil and marker. Their art wasn't exactly pretty- in fact it consisted of odd shapes with very little structure or harmony of color- it was hard to point out exactly what they were trying to convey. They weren't seeking my constructive criticism, they just wanted me to be happy with them for trying- and I was! To me, their scribbles were wonderful because it was the best expression they could possibly give. I'm thrilled they love me enough to make me a picture. As they've developed and learned more their artwork is getting better! Good things take time to develop...

I'm still working on my life picture. Plenty of people come along before my picture is done to criticize, make suggestions or reject my effort altogether. Sometimes it's tempting to crumble up the paper and give up. It's frustrating, because I'm unable to erase what's already been drawn. I just have to work with what I've already got on the page and keep going. I believe God thinks my life sketch is beautiful, because He isn't focused on the mistakes. I've colored outside the lines many times, but my Father chooses not to notice because He loves me and my picture is for Him. Someday God will hand me a brand new piece of paper to fill and I can start over again.

Perhaps life is not so much about making perfect art as it is about being willing to keep drawing...


BrainSyke said...

super. I think you got it. You've put it nicely in the end!

David said...

Yes, the perfect analogy! How Jesus must pride over our work to make this corruptible body something that He might be happy with, to be in His image, like He is in His Father's image. Children are precious, even when they are bad. Even if they are us.

Royce said...

And don't let the people who critsize you affect you, I'll let you in on a little secret, they are just trying to point out your mishaps outside the line so nobody will notice theirs.

Diana Sahu said...

i hope life is as simple as a cartoon or a picture...good post

Aiman said...

Salaam alaikum,

Very good article. This is an article that has a similar message: This is Your Life!

Nabeel said...

your life picture is very nice .. nice colors .. happy things .. but for many the pictures is dark .. sad things, sad colors, tough things etc.

well that's life

Anonymous said...

Yeah, great, but next time why not illustrate your blog with your own pictures? You didn't ask first before using Madison's bunny to illustrate your article. Shame on you.

Trailady said...

Nabeel, you are right. Some people do have dark pictures. That's what I started out with, but it's getting better...

Anonymous, I have no idea who Madison is? Just came across this cute little bunny picture on the web and wanted others to see it too. Sorry if you were offended! If it were my picture or a picture of someone I know, I would be flattered that someone wanted to share it. :o) Send me an e-mail address and I'll be glad to ask her permission...

Trailady said...

Aiman, Thank you, I very much enjoyed the article. Everyone has a story worth telling!

Anonymous said...

Oh brother! Is this the same anonymous who has written in before? I have two words for you "lay off". Or how about "go away". Trailady is a nice person and you should not be picking on her over some pictuer.