Thursday, March 09, 2006

Finding Clarity...

I used to be afraid to share my thoughts, because I sought high rankings within the church, but I no longer aspire to any calling beyond that which my Lord calls me to. This allows me to be honest. I don't wish to offend, but this is MY journey- and like you, I'm still learning & growing in my faith. After 15 years in a certain denomination and having run the full gamut of their experience from liberal to ultra-conservative, I was faced with a dilemma. The church just wasn't meeting a great need in me. I didn't know how to identify or even put words to my longing, there was just this vast, unsettling emptiness in my soul. Oh, the church had theology, educational institutions, literature/mission work, but something was missing and the hole in my heart was aching to be filled. An evangelist came and did a week based on the 4 Gospels. His simple, humble presentation was FAR different from all the prophecy seminars I had attended and assisted with for many years. This man was not pointing to a religion but to Jesus Christ as the means for salvation. The need in my soul was quieted, I was blessed, but also terrified! You mean my church cannot save me? You mean all the do's & don'ts I strained to uphold will not save me?? You mean it's not all about ME?? I was scared to death, because for the first time Salvation seemed so simple. Jesus died so I could be forgiven- I accept His gift of righteousness- I am saved and my heart begins to change. I didn't know what to do with that!! Truth now comes down to one thing for me, Christ and Him crucified. If the humility of the Cross is not the central focus of our message, then we may as well SIT DOWN and be quiet! If, according to Romans 13:10, "Love is the fulfilling of the law", we are lacking in genuine Christianity. God warns the Loveless Church in Revelation 2- if she does not return to her first love experience (the Gospel) her lamp will be removed from it's stand. If we could stop congratulating ourselves for being "right" long enough to humble ourselves and pray, we may see the error of our ways. There are still very few experts at loving and many "experts" in the law among us. We believe that unless people accept all of our distinct doctrines, they have "turned their backs on Salvation". I am fully convinced this is not accurate! God is bigger than even our doctrines understand Him to be and He will not be put into such a small box as we have made for Him. Many need genuine affection & acceptance from people in the church. Instead, they are prodded along and guilt-tripped into certain behaviors. How Jesus longs to set the captives free, to bring rest to those who- like me are weary of depending on good works for salvation. There is such freedom in the Gospel- that is what Jesus commissioned us to share. Prophecy is helpful, but it's NOT the Gospel. Health & dress reform are useful, but are NOT the Gospel. We aren't the only denomination God is working with or through, nor do we hold a monopoly on Truth. I have seen this brand of arrogance passed on from one generation to another; "We are the "remnant", everyone else should learn from us!" We cannot look to ourselves, but to Christ as the example. Take the focus off prideful institutionalism- look to the Cross and LIVE!!


Anonymous said...

Its an issue in every church, I think. Sad that each one thinks they have all the answers and are better than all the others out there. I used to think that too about my church (baptist), but Im learning that everybody has something to contribute. Im not always the most loving guy, but Im trying.

Royce said...

Yes, what church did Jesus start again. Oh yes, he didn't. Religion is man-made and fallable

Fallen Angel said...

You are very cool for posting on Lyndsey's and Sydney's site. Thank you. They love comments. They are just getting used to this blog thing and they love the comments. Thank you.

Andy said...

Amen, sister. Need to put Him first, let our actions be guided by His will, not our own.

kairosnow said...

I agree Trailady. If we don't keep Him in the centrestage, all else is a complete waste.

Trailady said...

Good point, Royce!

fallenangel, no prob. I enjoy reading what the kiddos have to say.

Andy & Chez, I really enjoy your comments and reading your blogs. :o)