Monday, March 20, 2006

Harness Your Power!

I try to see the good in everyone- viewing them in light of their potential. However, I cannot deny the presence of ignorance in this world. You know, the one who cuts in front of you in traffic, then has the nerve to flip YOU off! The ones who get up in your face with insults, the neighbor who lets their 3 children come over unannounced at odd hours, etc. Life & ignorance can deal some harsh treatments! I used to feel like a helpless jellyfish always just reacting to the current. If someone was rude to me, I felt justified in closing my heart toward them. If things didn't go my way, I felt it was acceptable to be grouchy all day. In highschool, I heard a talk about embracing the power of choice. It was said, "You're not helpless in this life. You can't control every circumstance, but you CAN CHOOSE how you are going to respond." I thought he was crazy! I mentally argued, "I can't help but be angry when I'm victimized. I feel crummy after someone disrespects me!" That's only partly true. Fact is, when people are inconsiderate, it hurts. But it's also fact that we don't have to sink to their level and retaliate. It IS possible to maintain good, ethical behavior toward others- even when they act as low-lifes. I'm learning to embrace my power of choice in the following ways:

I choose to work through painful issues of the past in healthy ways
I choose not to hate- but to return good for evil
I choose not to dwell in the past & beat myself up for mistakes
I choose to focus on strengths instead of weaknesses in myself & others
I choose to forgive & be free of resentments
I choose to smile on rainy days
I choose not to have a victim mentality or wallow in my sorrows
I choose to surrender my negative emotions to God
I choose to make the most of each day, learning, growing, sharing...

God respects our freedom of choice. Jesus died protecting that right. Satan was happy to make us pathetic slaves for centuries. He loves nothing better than using us to wound each other- causing us to degenerate emotionally, physically & spiritually. He is a harsh, cruel task-master pouring salt in our wounds by constantly playing on our insecurities and addictions. He's the one who tempts us to do something stupid, then rubs our noses in it. Without a Savior, this defeat would be the only reality any of us could ever know.
On the contrary, Jesus wanted us to have a choice beyond death & despair. He doesn't force us to believe in Him, but He died to give us a better option than one short lifetime of struggle here on earth. He wants us to live forever in the fullness of health & strength, while knowing love & peace. However, it disturbs me greatly when well-meaning people try to manipulate non-Christians into attending church or inacting certain behaviors by using guilt/fear tactics. How does holding the threat of Hell over someone win their heart? Do cold stares and words of condemnation motivate a soul to change? Does this behavior present the loving, merciful nature of our great God?? God wants us to come to Him with heartfelt desire- not because someone coerced us. In closing, I present a two-fold challenge:

1) Harness the power of choice in your life
2) Determine to respect everyone's right to choose their eternal destiny


Tim Rice said...

Trailady, you share so much wisdom. May God continue to bless you and us that way.

Trailady said...

Thank you, Tim. :o)

Anonymous said...

I choose to do my best with each day I have. Good post!