Sunday, August 06, 2006

The World is Bigger...

Sooner or later we all reach a point when we realize the world is not all about us, that it doesn't revolve around our wants & wishes. This is a bittersweet realization and one that many people choose to deny, preferring to cater to themselves and content to have others do so as well. To move beyond this is a mark of maturity. To have healthy relationships, we must learn to invest in others more instead of only seeking people who will invest in us and give us what we want.

Spiritually speaking, it is the same principle. Many of us want to be counted as righteous based on the good that we do, the faith we know or the sacrifices we make in the name of God. But it's all about us this way- what we do or don't do. This leads to self-righteousness and an innaccurate picture of who we are. We become self-deceived into thinking we are saints who stand several rungs above others on the social/spiritual ladder. I'm learning to accept the truth about myself. I am a sinner. I am NO better than anyone else. First & foremost I have desires, weaknesses and unmet expectations. I can either throw my hands up in despair and surrender or I can ask God to give me strength to cope, to overcome. Too many are content with self-sufficient Religion instead of seeking relationship with God. We are afraid to let go of rhetoric and simply love. We are terrified of our own neediness.

I don't want to have an inflated view of myself, nor do I want to view myself as inferior to others. To be honest with myself is to say, "I am human like everyone else. I am weak, but learning how to be better every day. The world is bigger than me. There is more to living than my thoughts, my opinions, my needs, my culture."

The world is bigger and Truth is larger than any of us. How can anyone claim to know all there is to know about God? Can the human mind even grasp Divinity in all it's fullness??

Dare to expand your horizons. Ask questions, why blindly float along with the current, or the majority? What is most important in life? What do you know in your heart to be true? Are you big enough to face yourself and examine your life?


QUASAR9 said...

Hi Trailady I'm with you all the way. Had a kida vulcan mind meld with you as I read thru, well I normally do, since I've started visiting here, but today you are it.
People (including I) always look to the splinter in other peoples eyes and often cannot see thelog in their own.
But without getting to Mystic or Eastern:
1) "The buck stops here" appliesto each one of Us
2) "Don't hate" remnember a lot of people love to hate
3) What do I need to change? I need to change myself? One cannot change others but one can change oneself - our attitude, our short temper, our petty hates(?), our tiredness, our doubts, ... more can be changed in others by example than by laws or armies.

Of course tiredness reaches us all, but how we cope with it, are we irritated because we are tired, or do we relax, unwind and learn not to over stretch or tire ourselves.

Anyway, who am I preaching to? lol!
Hope you have a lovely evening and continue to have the strength to cope with everything on your plate - and still have room to enjoy desert.
Best wishes - Q

billie said...

thank you for a profoundly simple post on what could potentially change things in the world- were folks to listen. what you say is true.

Roseuvsharon said...

know what it's like to deal with people who think the world revolves around them, and i'm not talking about my kids!

these are adults with kids of their own who should know better!

the Lord has a way of reminding us when we get to thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought. He uses some of the strangest things to help me get my perspective back.

Known Stranger said...

hey... i believe you not making fun of me.? i am often said - i lack communication. Infact i really dont know to express . I stopped complaining " others dont understand me "but regrets - i dont communicated the way others understand me.

Nabeel said...

Lif eis not about US .. it's about giving .. and the other person .. to forget ones ownself .. and live for the betterment of others .. for the betterment of this world ..

it is said that if you want happiness .. give happiness to someone else.

Trailady said...

Quasar9, you add a lot to the discussion! :o)

Betmo, Thanks. I'm learning to be more patient with those who haven't tapped into this lesson yet...

Rose, Yep, I've been through the ringer. Guess I need a lot of humbling!

Known Stranger, No, I'm not making fun of you. I like your poetry!

Nabeel, SO true!! I like that saying. :o)