Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ode to Color...

My favorite color is Blue!
Cornflowers grow beside the road in Periwinkle hues
I love the cool-blue of my Daddy's eyes
The deep, rich color of Summer blueberries
The silvery gray-blue of Winter skies.
I love the aqua-blue of the sea, blue-violet meadows, the bold look of navy,
People of any race seem to look good in shades of Blue.
Blue can be mellow, Blue can be bold.
It bring feelings of warmth or the sensation of cold.
God created us under a canopy of blue.

I enjoy the color Green!
Soothes my soul with it's very presence
in pastures lush and mountain evergreens
Green can be bright & energetic, but when soft, fills me with peace
Nothing is as elegant to me as Jade, Emerald is a deeper shade
Green causes me to reflect on the good in my life, to unwind
it's the color of compromise- a blending of blue and yellow
So pleasant, inspires me to forgive when others are unkind
Reminds me of Spring & harvest time, makes me feel serene
God made us to stand upon a carpet of green.

I can identify with the color Red!
It's richness lends the Rose her beauty
Red is bold, defiant, vibrant and
stirs great passion for love and duty
It is often the grand finale of a sunset
Red sparks the inner courage, it inspires
It is the color of power and of passage,
staining the rites of birth and death.
As innocent as the Apple, as tempting as desire
God gave us the color red to reflect our inner fire

What if we could only see in black & white- how boring that would be!
Color is more than just shades of paint. Enjoy a variety of people & cultures.
This builds & enhances character. Different experiences enhance different elements of personality.
Sometimes, this is pleasant, sometimes challenging, but always worthwhile. To live is like developing fine art.
Each person you encounter adds something. Color your life!!!!!


Gingers Mom said...

Thank God that he beautified our world with the richness of color. AMazng the effect they can have on us

David said...

Maybe heaven's sky is blue too with multi-colored cosmic clouds garnishing it. What if Earth, a very special planet and the theater of the universe, has such variety in colors and species because it was made in the image of our Creator's home?

Thanks for the nice post, Trailady.

imfreenow.blogspot.com said...

Thanks for the lovely post.

billie said...

tl- some people do only see in black and white- and that's part of the problem in the world today. perhaps if we could see yellows and browns and reds- the world would be less blue and more green. gee that was sappy huh? fyi- my favorite color is blue too.

Trailady said...

LOL- one of my daughters was looking over my shoulder and saw all the pretty colors. She said, "Oh, Mama is that a post about Skittles?"

Gotta love 'em!!!!!! :o)

BrainSyke said...

If we could just see black and white, our world would be different. Our marketing campaigns and material would be different...

our buildings and their structures would be different, our kitchen utensils,and cars would be different. Our road signs, and road trafficic system would be different.

I would if seeing only black and white would impact our sense of depth and distance as well.

Trailady said...

Hi Gabrielle- thanks for stopping by. You're welcome!

Betmo, I agree with you 100%! We need to learn to appreciate variety and learn to live with differences. And yes, Blue is such an awesome color!

Ha ha- Brian you crack me up!!! :o)

Brainsyke, A lot of things would be different. For example, studies show that seeing colors stimulates the appetite. If your food is black, white, gray and colorless, you are less likely to feel like eating it. Just one of MANY impacts we would experience if the world were colorless.