Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Earth Groans...

Aerial photos show icebergs floating in the water near Greenland’s Ilulissat Glacier, which has shrunk by over 10 kilometers in just a few years.
Global warming, changing weather patterns & natural disasters are a stark reality that is intensifying. Some scientists believe the damage to the earth's ozone layer is irrepairable and that soon the hurricane season of 2005 will be nothing compared to what's ahead. To read the full article:

Heaven help us...


boneman said...

There is also another thought, one that is backed scientiffically, though a fair amount of scientists detest its relevence as it does little to continue their take on things.
The Earth has gone through these permutations before, and not due to greenhouse gasses and such. The Ice age.
Global warming may be as inevitable as the passing of time itself, and though I agree with the idea that we are not helping with our (the world's) four hundred b'zillion vehicles and wars and refrigerators and such, the thing is, I don't believe we can undo the changes occurring to us now.
And, to be sure, I also think dubya is a bone headed ass and has no business being where he is.

David said...

The indigenous Americans kept this place like a garden of Eden. We arrive and understand that its all for the taking, first come first serve. Industrialization and technology, as great as they are for our convenience and satisfaction of curiosity, have become our biggest threat. But who will be the first to ride a bicycle instead of a car? Who will do without A/C in the summer? We've become spoiled and nothing like our pioneer forefathers who built this place for us. No empire ever lasted forever, and we are no exception. Maybe we've had it too good for too long. I think its time to go back to the simpler life in whatever way we can.

Anonymous said...

Interesting article to read.

Royce said...

The earth does go through cycles where the ozone layer ebbs and flows, the ozone layer sheilds us from cosmic radiation, however it is also created by cosmic radiation. As limited as my understanding of this cycle is, I think it happens like this, radiation hits the upper atmosphere creates ozone this goes on for several hundred years, then radiation can't get through, and the ozone layer wanes, then when it becomes thin again, the cycle starts over. the problem is that we as a race are destroying the ozone layer faster than it can build up again, like picking at at scab.

BrainSyke said...

I dont know if I am more anxious or relieved by this news. Anxious to observe global changes and its impact on business and lifestlye,and releaved (very selfishly) that I will probably be not around to suffer the consequences

Trailady said...

Good input, guys! Truly, the environment & tidal patterns shift. We have really exploited the earth's resources. I'm all for living simply and doing what we can to conserve this planet. I think we are seeing the weather patterns change. The older people here in TN. can't believe how warm our winters have been recently. Last hurricane season was devastating, so if next year is worse... yikes! I don't want to pay $5 for a gallon of gas!!