Friday, January 27, 2006


My journey for truth has been a loooong one filled with many twists and turns. I bounced around from church to church and several different ideologies before landing where I am. There is something attractive to Christianity and the absolutes it claims to uphold. Don't kill, don't steal, lie or cheat on the one who loves you, etc. When I was of New Age & Atheistic persuasion, the mantra was "There are NO absolutes. We are all divine beings. There is no right or wrong, good or bad- just positive and negative energy. You can do whatever your heart desires". However, having suffered abuse- this always confused me. If we are ALL gods and "there is no right or wrong", we just do whatever we feel like doing- and it's okay? Does that mean sexual predators aren't doing anything wrong? If a man-god decides he wants to kidnap a child or steal a car for whatever reason- is that okay? Does being divine mean if I'm in a bad mood and take it out on someone else, no need to apologize?? Strange thing is, the very people who taught me the "I'm a God- you're a God'- no absolutes philosophy got pretty upset when their spouses cheated on them... I respect the beliefs of every person, so my purpose is not to criticize Atheists or New Agers. But I believe there have to be absolutes in this life or we would have total CHAOS. Love IS the answer- seems so simple, but it's complex. With love in my heart, I won't murder, steal, lie or cheat. Oh, I can conjure up lust and affection, I can do good things, but at my best I can't manufacture genuine, selfless love- that comes from a Higher Source- outside myself. Love is of God. Strange, we don't have any trouble conjuring up hatred- seems to come so naturally due to our fallen nature. God gave 10 guidelines at Sinai because He knew the people needed guidance. They needed some social structure & absolutes to live by. He did this not to bind them, but to protect their hearts and their physical/emotional health. I love my kids and set rules for them to live by- this keeps the household running smoothly and helps them have longer, happier lives. If we break it down and make it simple: Anything that is harmful to yourself or another person is wrong. Absolutes are a good thing!!!


BrainSyke said...

The entire universe, seen and the unseen is governed by absolutes. That which is given FREE-will also operates under the confines of the abolutes ( absolutes of laws of physics, laws of gravity ,etc - the laws by which the sun rises from East and sets in the West ) said...

Hi. I am DEFINITELY saving your page. You came to my site and left comments - thanks. I see we have similar destinies.

I look forward to reading more...

Anonymous said...

I agree! No absolutes is fine until some guy steps on our toes, then we get good an mad. There has to be a code of conduct or things would be insane.