Friday, December 16, 2005

Building on The Rock...

I've been reading a lot of blogs & Christian websites recently. There are SO many beautiful people and viewpoints out there! Many different denominations too- all who think they have "the truth". I admit that for many years I was pretty smug and thought I had God all figured out. I tried really hard to be a good Christian and wanted to be the example for everyone else to follow. I put great faith in the theologians & great thinkers of my particular denomination. But each time I thought I was doing things right, someone else would come along and point out where I was failing. I constantly felt defeated & unsure of where I stood in God's eyes. You see, there's much confusion within my church. Some preach works oriented religion, others teach faith alone, while still others espouse faith-plus-works. Everyone has a different opinion on music, diet, dress, education, worship, etc. These issues are debated until it's enough to make your head spin!! So I'm keeping it simple now and as Paul said, "I know one thing, Christ and Him crucified..." It's not about me anymore, it's not about proving I'm right all the time, or belonging to a superior church- it's about a Savior. Everything in the Old & New Testament calls us to look to Christ and not to ourselves. Some errantly teach that the rock we are to build our faith upon is the 10 Commandments- because they are made of stone. However, we know from the story when Moses struck the rock and water poured out that the rock represents Christ. He called Himself a Cornerstone. Christ IS the unchanging, immoveable rock we are to build on. He wants to live in us, cover us with His robe of righteousness. Why do we not talk about Him more??? I'm a sinner starving to hear about Him- more testimonies of how His love is changing people, giving them hope. My eyes long to see people who are like Him- humble, compassionate, patient, gentle, genuinely loving. My soul desires fellowship with others who love Him. However, many are caught up in this frenzy of "We must present the truth to the world". I agree, but why not lift Jesus higher, so He can draw all men unto Him?! Truth is best presented when we LIVE IT- talk is cheap. Many in the church claim Jesus is the centerpiece of our message, but I simply do not find that to be the case. Lifestyle issues, 10 Commandments and prophecy are the 3 main thrusts- not The Gospel. I hope we can regain our focus, lest we fulfill the words of Christ when He said, "They profess me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me."

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