Friday, December 09, 2005

What You Want to See...

Few things hurt as much as when people fail to give me the benefit of the doubt. This week I was accused of something I would never do. It was very painful for me! Have you ever had someone accuse you of being exactly the opposite of what you strive with all your heart to be? Not cool- especially if that person takes their doubts about you and shares it with someone else. There's an old movie- 'Pollyanna' that I enjoyed when I was younger. (The main character is an optimist) A line in the movie says, "If you look for the good in people expecting to find it, you surely will." I believe the opposite is also true, "If you look for the bad in someone, you will surely find it." Since we all have weaknesses, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize a shortcoming. But that doesn't mean we should start pointing fingers. Why don't we try to see strengths in others more?? No matter how low on the totem pole they may be- everyone has a gift that needs to be recognized, developed, encouraged.
Every so often events coordinate to paint an inaccurate picture of who you are to other people. This was the case for me. Due to an unfortunate series of odd coincidences- in 2 wks time, a few people were thinking some pretty negative things about me. Granted not one of them expressed any concerns to me, gave me the benefit of the doubt or let me explain what was going on before jumping to conclusions. I guess that's what is most hurtful. I'm a fairly reasonable person- a sensitive soul, but I felt the need to stand up and call them on it saying, "Wait a minute- you girls handled this very poorly!" When someone goes behind my back, rather than talk to me- that's an insult! It says, "You're not mature or rational enough for me to express my thoughts to you." OUCH! The Bible says God IS love. Therefore if we know Him, we will also know Love. Christians are to be known by their Love for one another. Love believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. It is not puffed up or rude, it does not celebrate when someone is brought low. We are to encourage one another and build each other up. No matter how badly we screw up down here, God stubbornly chooses to see great potential in all of us. You will see what you choose to see as well. Recognize the good- not the evil in one another, focus on strengths and not weaknesses...

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