Thursday, December 01, 2005


You know, Cats are interesting- they are sleek, beautiful, graceful & elegant looking creatures- at least some of them are. Others are cute-n-fluffy with flat faces. There are even hairless cats! (Though one must ask WHY?!) I can respect, even admire cats. I am the owner of 4. Our 2 American Short-hair mixes were rescues. The 2 Maine Coons are sisters. My mother decided they were too pesky, so we inherited them. Felines have a serious, independant, cautious nature, an aire of superiority. I kinda like that about cats, but in a way it gets on my nerves. I provide food & shelter for them and what thanks do I get? Our cats are rarely affectionate or initiate play- they lay around all day. They don't even like each other- you should see all the hissing that goes on around here! There is much work/little reward in owning them. Can't seem to obedience train them. I maintain their litter-box mess, pay their vet bills, clean up bird feathers and pick up the remains of mutilated rodents year round- GROSS! For all their otherwise dignified behavior, they eat like pigs, leaving food all over the floor. Now, you would think for all I put up with, they would let me pet them once in a while, but that's not the way it works around here. Basically, I pay good money for the priviledge of watching them sun themselves daily. Logically, it really doesn't make sense for me to keep them, but I do. Why does my household still include a feline population? It's a matter of balance. I've got 2 of the best dogs in the world- they obey me and worship the ground I walk on. Now I think God looked down one day and said, "Uh-oh she's getting a big head because of those dogs, I'd better do something quick!" So now I'm the owner of not 1, but 4 cats who sit & stare at me as if I'm the world's biggest idiot. Their tails don't wag with enthusiasm for me, they flick impatiently. When we get home after a trip, they give us the cold shoulder for a few days... What's the best way to get the last laugh? Name them very UNdignified names like Stinky, Wormhead & Dummybrain. (I've never done that, but it brings a great deal of satisfaction just to consider- ha ha) Good friends of mine in Texas & a guy in Knoxville have the BEST cats ever! I adore them!! Don't know how they do it, but theirs all have wonderful, distinct little personalities and put the meaning behind the term "cool cats". I had the best cat ever when I was 11. Bubby was a HUGE Maine Coon Tom who loved my lap, being carried on my shoulders like a mink stole, sleeping by me at night and following me around the yard. We bonded so well, he would even follow me into the tub & take a bath- NO KIDDING!! If I ever bathed alone, he would sit outside the bathroom door crying pathetically. He disappeared at 3 yrs of age- never to return- I searched unsuccessfully for months- broke my heart! Once you've had the best- it's really hard to settle for hair-ball hacking snobs...


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about your less-than-perfect litter of current cats. As I type this, my cat Eliot is sitting on my lap purring away and sucking the end of his tail (don't ask - he just does that - it's his happy place).
When I was a child (around 6), I had a kitten named Fudge who used to jump in the bath with me also. I used to get in trouble because my mother thought I was putting him in the bath. Then one day, he jumped right in while she was there and she had to apologize. Nothing better to a kid than hearing your mother apologize.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean (well, sort of). Our (part) Maine coon cat loves the water and has to be in the bathroom at bathtime or she'll throw her little body against the door like she's saying "let me in!!" Our other cat comes when you call him, meows at me if he hasn't had what I've dubbed "momma time" (time on my lap must occur each day or else, lol) and sleeps with us each night. I don't know what I'd do without them, so I can understand how much you must miss Bubby. Glad you have the dogs though!