Thursday, December 15, 2005

Tuck Everlasting...

We recently saw a film that contemplates everlasting life. A family of travelers find a mysterious spring and after drinking from it, discover they are immortal- frozen in time. Whatever age they were when they drank the water is the age they will remain. They cannot grow old or die. One of the sons falls in love with a girl and wants her to drink the water so she too can live forever, but she refuses, choosing to live what little life she may have to the fullest, then be buried with the rest of her family. Basically, the premise is that immortality in a fallen world would be a torment. To never have rest from the witness of human suffering and death for centuries... Very thought-provoking! I encourage you to see this well made film. I am not afraid to die. I realized when I turned 30 that my heart wasn't in this world anymore. It has been a trial. I've seen too much, said too many goodbyes- long before my heart was willing! I make the most of each day. I love the sunset, the sound of the sea, the smell of sweet mountain air. I enjoy playing with my children, being creative and connecting with people. But the limitations placed on us in this life, genetically, monetarily and at the hands of time & tragedy are hard to bear. There is a mysterious spring- a Water of Life. I drank from it and found it satisfying. My future is certain and my hope lies in eternity, where unbound from the chains of gravity, pain, aging & death I can laugh, sing, dance, and live forever in a perfect world. Taste and see that The Lord is good...


Anonymous said...

That movie sounds so good. I have heard of it, but never watched it. I will have to rent it. It is so nice to read you blogs. I haven't stumbled upon many other Christian bloggers and it is so encouraging.

William Bright said...

Thank you for commenting on 2 of my posts. You seem very knowledgeable with your subtle remarks on “Home Schooling.”

I just wanted to bring to your attention my new project. Instead of the recent “Anamnesis Digest,” all of my attention and efforts are going to be poured into my new collaboration, “My Spiritual Anamnesis.”

Please stay in touch with my writing, I will do the same with yours. william+sa